Friday, August 11, 2006

Things I am not looking forward to giving up during pregnancy..

No, not pregnant, just preparing..

dr pepper
malibu rum
steroid cream I use on rashes (sensitive skin)
pimple medications (ointments)
all medicines besides tylenol
mountain dew
restasis eye drops

Since I have so many things to give up, I asked dh to please go without beer while we are pregnant. He said he would! When I reminded him of it recently, he said "I will give it up except at big functions or when we go to nice restaurants, is that fair?" I said, NO, what would be fair is if you gave up all alcohol, all soda, and all advil!


Happay Mommay aka Happay Scrappay said...

good luck. we all know that's not going to happen! I tell you what, just have him give up sleep when the baby gets there. You get to sleep all night and he has to get up every single time ;) He can have all the beer he wants - pffft

:-) Mama of SIX! said...

Wow, did your doctor tell you to give up Restasis? I am 8 weeks pregnant and started taking Restasis 9 weeks ago, I didn't know I was pregnant and I was definatly not planned, I stopped taking it and 3 days later my eye just did a 200% turn around for the WORSE! I had to start it again. My eye doctor said if I were his wife he'd say no. My baby doctor said it's a catagory C like most medicines given to pregnant women and it should be fine. I have done ALOT of reading on it and found nothing for either side of the story. It's very discouraging but I have to have it for my left eye. I even looked up the active drug in it and found nothing. There was one article that gave me some peace from eyeworld magazine that said Restasis should be safe to use during preganancy. That was enough for me to use it. If you have any other information regarding it please let me know! I really don't want to damage my baby in ANY way.