Monday, July 23, 2007


Austin has started his middle school orientation week. I have to drive him to school by 8 am and pick him up at 3. It is good practice for when actual school starts August 13th. Then I will have to drive him and then take Ileigh to her (new school) about 10 minutes from my house the opposite direction. I am so excited for this new milestone but I am dreading the drive. Avery, as all my babies did, HATES the car. She starts howling as soon as I strap her in. And I have to strap her in before getting Ileigh in her seat and Austin is difficult to get out the door as well! That's a good 4 minutes of howling before I have even started the car. I feel sorry for her and angry at the same time. What could be so stinkin bad about sitting in a carseat for a little bit? The road is bumpy and she likes the vibrating basinet. She has a mirror and toys to look at. Heck I even make Austin sit back there with her and talk to her and constantly tap on the paci. WHat is it damnit? It is totally unpleasant even to just go to the store. Andy and I have to take turns unless we feel like enduring it. This means I am almost always cooped up in the house with her. And I am going crazy!!

Besides all of that, I can't help but think something additional is wrong with Avery. For 2 days now she has slept almost nonstop. Except while in the car or eating for a short bit. This sounds great but is totally unlike her to do. Also, she has a cold sweat about her. Andy thinks she is also pale but I told him she is baby colored. She has been really fussy while awake and she still doesn't poop. I don't want to take her to the dr. because I know they won't have answers. I can do my own internet research thank you very much. I almost always know what the dr. will say anyways. We are getting desperate though.

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