Tuesday, August 07, 2007

I can whine it's my blog

Okay. I can't stand it anymore. Avery has been so fussy I am at my wits end. What on earth could make a baby scream so hard the minute she touches the carseat is beyond me. Why do I get all fussy babies? I know the mellow ones exist. I hear about them. I have friends who get them. I am boards with people with them.
The thing that gets me the most is this. These people don't even realize what they have. They think a baby is a baby and I am just a mom who exaggerates or can't handle a baby. Well I have news for you Jerks, you have no idea what it is like to have a baby scream in your arms for hours while you are running on 3 hours of sleep and that screaming baby screams harder for everyone else but you and all you want to do is make that baby sleep so you are thinking ugly thoughts and then crying because you thought such ugly things. Meanwhile your 3 year old is howling for juice or screeching because your 12 year old won't stop teasing her with the tv remote and then your husband has to work late or gets called into work right when dinner gets out of the oven.
I have been avoiding going anywhere but this just makes me more crazy. I can't stand these walls anymore. I know this eventually passes but when?! I wish there was some kind of medication. Hell, we both need it.

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