Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sick Baby- Frustrated Mama

Avery has a fever of 104-105. It's been 3 days now. Andy took her to the dr. on Friday while I went to Nemo on ice with Ileigh (she loved it). Dr L said that it was viral and that she would probably start puking and/or get a cold. She never did and no one else is sick so we suspect some kind of infection. I have been worried about it being either her ears which she pulls at all the time now, or her intestines (still hardly ever poos) or her bladder. She hasn't had a lot of wet diapers but she also hasn't been eating like usual. So I tried calling the dr. yesterday to make a saturday sick appt. They said they would have to have a nurse call me back and she called after they closed for the morning only to tell me that she doesn't know why they had her call me instead of just making me an appt!!! Then I called this morning and made an appt for 10 am. Avery has not been sleeping and I have been up almost all night with her 2 nights in a row. I ended up giving her bendryl just so I could sleep a little. She was 105 this morning one hour after the Motrin. So I packed the kids up and went to the ped office and got there at 9:45. At 10:14 they announced that Dr. L was running 30 min late. First I was upset that it was the same dr. from Friday. Then I figured if she is truly only 30 min late, I should be seen at 10:30. Well they called us back at 10:45 and into a room. I was so paranoid about Ileigh getting all the germs from the office I had her sterilize her hands like 15 times. Of course, she had to touch everything in the office constantly. Finally the dr. came in at 11:20. Arggh I was peeved. Then she proceeded to tell me it's viral again. Which it could be I am not denying that, I just think .. well I just don't think she is good and seems like she is not investigating enough. She said the ears were fine and then she said that she would cath her to see if it was her bladder. Well I have cathed many a kiddo's and this lady took for ev er and was not good at it. We held Avery down screaming and she finally got it in, got some pee and then took it for the preliminary testing. She came back and said there was blood in it. I am suspecting it was from the cath but she didn't even mention that. She prescribed antibiotics and said that if it turns out to not be an infection, they would call me to tell me to stop them. Avery is still crying constantly and seems like she is in pain. I just don't know what to think. wahhh

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