Friday, June 06, 2008

The girls

Avery is cruising around things and just started standing on her tiptoes and holding on with only one hand. She points at everything and proudly calls it "Djah Djah" whatever that means. She says Hi and uh oh and all done. She is just starting to wave and signs for all done. She can make some crazy faces and knows how to do fishy lips (see below). She knows where things go and tries to put her clothes on and tries to brush her hair. She also does well with a cup and uses a spoon well until she decides to fling her bowl across the room. lol

Ileigh is learning to swim and has started putting her head underwater. She is excited to be off preschool for the summer. But still asks everyday "Is it school today, mama?" She loves her swim lessons and is also taking dance and music. She has recently started liking to go to bed at night and does so proudly. I haven't quite figured that one out. She is really sweet most of the time but I have witnessed her recently trying to get a rise out of Austin. He is to blame for starting the feud but now I know she will instigate it sometimes. She will hit him and pull his hair for sitting in her seat and then he holds her down, she screams, wakes up the baby and then Austin gets in trouble. Well now they both do. =)

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