Thursday, February 18, 2010

February 2010

Hi all who are reading this- if anyone does anymore.

Avery- still wakes up at night. still hardly ever poops. and now it seems she likes to hold her pee as well. I really don't know how potty training is going to take place. Her exema is just awful. We began with a new pediatrician at the hospital where her gastro doc is. He put her on atarax to help her sleep and stop itching all night long. She also was prescribed elidel. Great for exema but can cause skin cancer, so we have to keep her covered. scarey stuff! I really try not to use it. I am doing heavier on the steroid ointment to avoid cancer. ughh. And how can she still wake up at night even with the atarax? I have no clue. sometimes the child just won't sleep.

Ileigh- very worried about her crazy brain. She has the most difficult time learning.. it goes in one ear and out the other. the the the THE, turn the page... Is??? I don't get it. I never worried like this about austin's development. I can't decide if we should go for 1st grade and see if she needs to repeat that or really just re-do Kindergarten. 1st is not only going to be difficult for her but for US. Kindergarten is hard for us. She doesn't know her address, phone number, or sight words. Sure she is better than she was 6 mos ago but still seems a year or more behind. Poor poor Ileigh. she sure has a strange mind too. Has an awesome memory for what happened 3 years ago but doesn't remember sight words. Talks and worries about death a lot. Doesn't much like to cuddle and can play by herself for hours. Loves little animals and her miniature toys. Recently has wanted to cut things open to see what's inside. yikes.

Austin- growing up. Still gets really immature with siblings but is so tall and has a deep voice. He is improving with anger management but still could use help. He really takes after his absent father. It's pretty scary, I wish he could see. He loves high school, but thinks it's really easy. I wish it was more of a challenge for him. That really makes me want to move outta here! The schools really suck. I am very glad austin has friends now. He needs to go out more than he does though. I really wouldn't mind if he got a girlfriend or something at this point. He is 15. he needs more. He will start baseball soon so that may help him to get out more. I told him my greatest wish ever was to have him and dh get along seemlessly. still is. I think it is improving.


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura - I still read this. It's always great to get an update on how your family it doing, although it sounds challenging. Good luck with everything!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
Ileigh...when is her birthday? What do her teachers say? From both a parent and teacher perspective, I would opt to retain her. And fears at this age are very normal. Remind me to tell you about my daughter and her experiences with fears. It was a bit over the top! Thanks for sharing your blog with me! I loved looking through it!

Unknown said...

I hope you've been able to see some improvement with Avery? It's hard having them on so many meds and trying to figure out what side effect is from what.

Ileigh might just be going through a very intense learning phase. I guess if the site words don't come together soon you might try some eye testing just to rule out any extra hurdles.

Chin up chickadee - things can only get better!