Monday, July 23, 2007

Ileigh's Birthday Party

Since blogger has for some reason made it impossible for me to caption my photographs without going back and looking up each file name and finding it among the html codes, I will just post a slew of photos and you can figure them out for yourself. Note that a) hardly anyone showed to her cec party. Which sucked because I prepaid for 10 guests. 2 of 12 daycare kids showed up. Other than that, it was family. b) Ileigh has a look on her face like chucke himself took her paci's away. She wasn't thrilled with her cake she ohsowanted either. c) a ton of people came to her family party and I think she had a good time. What sucks is that I didn't because I was at the height of a crappy cold. I had to retire before everyone was even gone or Ileigh went to bed. d) Is she smiling in any of these pictures? She acted so stoic most of the party, especially the chucke one. Yet she goes crazy excited other times she has been to cec. She was so looking forward to her party too. go figure.

1 comment:

Firefighter/Paramedic said...

Aww, she's still cute! She looks as if she is spending all of her energy just absorbing every last perfect detail. Kyra is the same way - the more spectacular something is, the more stoic she looks.