Friday, April 09, 2010

Nervous Nelly

I am nervous about Ileigh and Avery switching to the new school. Andy thinks this is ridiculous. I think any kind of upcoming change for your kiddos is worth some worry. Avery has only ever known where she is at. She loves it and so do we! I hate to switch her but two seperate drop off's is more than I can handle. And add Austin to the buss drop off and I won't be at work till noon. The new preschool seems cool but a TON more kids will be there. I think it's like 20-30 seemed like 200-300 during our tour though. I do think we will have Ileigh repeat Kindergarten. I know she is a genius inside but until she works her brain kinks out (like Albert Einstein) she will be in Kindergarten. I know she will make plenty new friends right away and I would like her to be able to stay with them through elementary at least.

Austin met his dad for the first time (that he knows, anyways) Easter weekend. It went well. I am worried he won't keep up a relationship but I am trying to remain hopeful. They went to the race factory and had lots of good conversation at the town lake. I know he even told him about the other daughter he doesn't see. He told austin "yet" so I wonder if he will start to see her. I know her name is Alexys and she is the same age as austin. nice, huh? It's crazy he still seems like a nice responsible guy. He is getting older but still looks 21. His girlfriend of 13 years must get the dr she works for to do free work on him. I am sure that's it.

Austin's a good kid. It's nice to have a boy once thier this old. I told andy I wouldn't mind having another boy once he is 11. Can we skip to that age please? I look at my nephews and thank God I have girls. I just can't take that gun you down punch you up push you in the pool behavior. And they really don't ever grow out of that. Maybe girls are better at every age.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy school! Where are you off to? I wouldn't do 2 drop offs either. Avery will be missed...but she would be moving up to the 3s...leaving me anyway!She will do great wherever you are going. Where and when are you leaving? And no, I will keep it under wraps until you "officially" let everyone know. :)