Tuesday, June 08, 2010

yep freaking out

I am still having a lot of cramping but it could be just because we are having twins. Where am I going to put them? I don't know. Where am I going to get the energy for them? I don't know. How are we going to send FIVE kids to college. I DON'T know. But God has a plan for us and this is it. He has a way of seeing things all work out. So, if we have to keep them in our closet, make Austin do night duty, and apply for lots of school grants, so be it. We will survive. So please don't make me feel bad by saying "what?? Were you trying? Did you want twins?" Because it really hurts my feelings. These are my babies, a part of me, and things will work out.


SarahB said...

I'm so sorry that you've been having cramping! Have you talked to your dr? I had a lot with Corben but I think it was from just plain exhaustion with the girls and the nonstop morning sickness. I hope it eases up for you soon!

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!!!! Congratulations! That is really exciting news! I am sure you are freaking out, but "trust" that it is where you are supposed to be! Give Avery hugs for me!